31 | | '''[BonnerEbert Bonner-Ebert Spheres: Stability, Dynamics, and Collapse] (Erica. [RochesterGroup University of Rochester])''' |
32 | | * Stars form from the collapse of self-gravitating clouds. These clouds can be modelled by Bonner-Ebert spheres, which are isothermal spheres in hydrostatic equilibrium. This numerical study aims to explore the stability of Bonner-Ebert spheres, their dynamics (i.e. rotation, MHD effects, turbulence), and the subset of conditions in which collapse is triggered in relation to star formation theory. |
| 31 | '''[BonnerEbert Stability, Dynamics, and Collapse of Bonner Ebert Spheres] (Erica. [RochesterGroup University of Rochester])''' |
| 32 | * Exploring the stability (hydrostatic, rotational, magnetic) of Bonner Ebert spheres, their dynamics, and the subset of conditions in which collapse is triggered in relation to star formation theory. |