Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of AstroBearAmr

05/20/11 17:26:20 (14 years ago)
Brandon Shroyer


  • AstroBearAmr

    v7 v8  
    206206 * {{{BackupNodes(n)}}}
    207207 * {{{CreateChildrens(n)}}}
    208  * {{{Inherit*Overlaps(n)}}} (all the different permutations of the {{{InheritOverlaps}}} functionality.
     208 * {{{Inherit*Overlaps(n)}}} (all the different permutations of the {{{InheritOverlaps}}} functionality).
    209209 * {{{AMR(n)}}}
    210210 * {{{ApplyChildrenData(n)}}}
    214214= Round 4: Behavior on the Lower Levels =
     216At the other end of the AMR hierarchy is level 0, the base grid.  This is the coarsest resolution in the problem, the source of the "root time step" against which the higher level timesteps are judged.  The base grid has no parent grid, so it shouldn't execute any restriction or fixup routines that would map its data to a lower level.
     218Unfortunately, this is also where things get complicated.  AstroBEAR doesn't have any ''grids'' below level 0, but the AMR tree structure in AstroBEAR does have levels below 0.  This is because AstroBEAR needs to distribute processors as well as grids, and it is easier to do so with a root node below the base level.  In addition, the problem domain might be split into multiple subdomains with different conditions, some of which may span more than one processor on the base level.  Adding an additional level of nodes makes it easier for AstroBEAR to keep track of these regions.
    281  == Levels 0 and below ==
    282 The root Level (level 0) represents the lowest level of hydrodynamic data (although there are lower levels of nodes).  As such all levels from the root level down do not need to call:
    283  * !ProlongationFixups
    284  * !AccumulateFluxes 
     285==== Levels 0 and below ====
     287Level 0, the base level, represents the lowest level of hydrodynamic data.  The grids on this layer have no parent grids, and thus have no need to prolongate or restrict data to them.  Consequently, the following subroutines do not need to be called at the base level or below:
     288 * {{{ProlongationFixups(n)}}}
     289 * {{{AccumulateFluxes(n)}}}
    285290Were in not for costmap data, these levels would neither need to call
    286  * !ProlongateParentsData
    287  * !CoarsenDataForParents
    289  == Levels -1 and below ==
     291 * {{{ProlongateParentsData(n)}}}
     292 * {{{CoarsenDataForParents(n)}}}
     294==== Levels -1 and below ====
    290295Levels -1 and below do not need to call any routines related solely to hydrodynamic variables.  This includes in addition to the routines above:
    291296 * !ParticleUpdate
    302307 * !UpdateChildMasks
    304  == Level -2 ==
     309==== Level -2 ====
    305310The Level 2 grid is persistent so it does not need to be initialized or overlapped.  So it does not need to call
    306311 * !InitInfos