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19:09 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
19:08 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
19:08 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
19:07 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
19:06 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
19:05 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
19:03 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
19:01 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
19:00 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
17:22 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
17:20 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
17:19 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
17:19 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
16:07 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
16:04 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
15:53 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
15:52 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
15:47 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
15:47 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
15:46 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
15:46 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
15:45 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
15:44 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
15:43 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
15:42 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
15:42 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
15:41 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
15:41 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
15:41 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
15:40 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
15:40 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion edited by Erica Kaminski
15:40 Blog: Review: Conserving angular momentum over accretion created by Erica Kaminski
11:32 Blog: Simulation Update created by adebrech
09:32 Blog: COMMON ENVELOPE SIMULATIONS edited by Luke


14:12 u/erica/ProblemAfterStepRoutine edited by Erica Kaminski
14:11 u/erica/ProblemAfterStepRoutine edited by Erica Kaminski
14:07 u/erica/ProblemAfterStepRoutine edited by Erica Kaminski
14:05 u/erica/ProblemAfterStepRoutine created by Erica Kaminski
14:05 u/erica edited by Erica Kaminski
14:04 u/erica edited by Erica Kaminski
14:04 u/erica edited by Erica Kaminski
14:03 u/erica edited by Erica Kaminski


13:21 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
13:19 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
13:19 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
13:18 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
13:17 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
13:16 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
13:16 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
13:15 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
13:13 Blog: Bondi accretion module mods edited by Erica Kaminski
13:11 Blog: Bondi accretion module mods edited by Erica Kaminski
13:10 Blog: Bondi accretion module mods edited by Erica Kaminski
13:09 Blog: Bondi accretion module mods edited by Erica Kaminski
13:07 Blog: Bondi accretion module mods edited by Erica Kaminski
13:06 Blog: Bondi accretion module mods edited by Erica Kaminski
13:06 Blog: Bondi accretion module mods edited by Erica Kaminski
13:05 Blog: Bondi accretion module mods edited by Erica Kaminski
13:03 Blog: Bondi accretion module mods edited by Erica Kaminski
13:02 Blog: Bondi accretion module mods edited by Erica Kaminski
13:02 Blog: Bondi accretion module mods edited by Erica Kaminski
13:01 Blog: Bondi accretion module mods edited by Erica Kaminski
12:56 Blog: Bondi accretion module mods edited by Erica Kaminski
12:54 Blog: Bondi accretion module mods edited by Erica Kaminski
12:50 Blog: Bondi accretion module mods edited by Erica Kaminski
12:49 Blog: Bondi accretion module mods edited by Erica Kaminski
12:48 sink_diagram.png attached to Blog: Bondi accretion module mods by Erica Kaminski
12:48 Blog: Bondi accretion module mods created by Erica Kaminski


10:02 Blog: Post Common Envelope Outflows edited by Zhuo Chen
09:59 Blog: Post Common Envelope Outflows edited by Zhuo Chen
09:56 adiabatic_profile.py attached to Blog: Update 11/20 by adebrech
09:56 Blog: Update 11/20 created by adebrech
09:42 Blog: Post Common Envelope Outflows edited by Zhuo Chen
09:40 Blog: Post Common Envelope Outflows edited by Zhuo Chen
09:39 Blog: Post Common Envelope Outflows edited by Zhuo Chen
09:37 Blog: COMMON ENVELOPE SIMULATIONS created by Luke
09:37 Blog: Post Common Envelope Outflows created by Zhuo Chen


11:47 Blog: Setting Atmosphere Density comment added by adebrech
Yep, that's what happens when I work late. All looks good to me.
11:46 Blog: Setting Atmosphere Density edited by adebrech
11:33 Blog: Setting Atmosphere Density edited by adebrech


22:29 Blog: Setting Atmosphere Density comment added by mccann
Hey Alex diff …
22:21 theoretical_opt_depth.nb attached to u/mccann by mccann
19:55 Blog: Setting Atmosphere Density edited by adebrech
19:54 Blog: Setting Atmosphere Density edited by adebrech
19:54 theoretical_opt_depth.nb attached to Blog: Setting Atmosphere Density by adebrech
19:18 Blog: Setting Atmosphere Density created by adebrech
18:25 planet.m attached to u/mccann by mccann
18:25 Adiabatic-Atmospheres.pdf attached to u/mccann by mccann
Adiabatic scale heights
18:23 planet.nb attached to u/mccann by mccann
Adiabatic atmosphere notebook
17:10 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:55 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:52 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:52 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:51 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:50 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:48 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:47 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:44 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:43 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:43 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:41 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:36 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:33 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:32 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:31 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:31 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:27 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:23 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:23 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:11 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:03 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:02 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
16:01 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
15:59 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
15:57 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles edited by Erica Kaminski
15:56 Blog: 'The Angular Momentum Problem' of Sink Particles created by Erica Kaminski
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.