
matching tags


11:11 Blog: Performance comparison between BlueStreak and Grass comment added by Jonathan
The statistic that AstroBEAR gives you is cell updates per second …
09:43 Blog: Performance comparison between BlueStreak and Grass comment added by Baowei Liu
Now I'm not quite sure "Cell update per sec" is a good measure of the …


21:56 Blog: cylindrical source terms edited by ehansen
21:49 Blog: cylindrical source terms comment added by ehansen
Good point Jonathan. I hadn't thought of that. That will introduce …
20:55 Blog: cylindrical source terms comment added by Jonathan
Dividing the momentum equation by rho is different then getting the …
19:48 Blog: cylindrical source terms edited by ehansen
19:37 Blog: cylindrical source terms edited by ehansen
19:25 Blog: cylindrical source terms created by ehansen
14:42 Blog: Martin's update, 26 nov '12 created by martinhe


17:00 Blog: Meeting Update Nov. 19 created by Shule Li
13:06 Blog: Martin's update, 20 nov '12 edited by martinhe
12:43 Blog: 11.19 LLE Meeting Results created by Adam Frank
12:17 Blog: Meeting 11/19/12 created by Erica Kaminski
11:25 Blog: Meeting Update 11/19/2012 - Eddie created by ehansen
11:11 Blog: Meeting Update - 1119 Jason and Ivan comment added by idilernia
5mj_* → 5 Jupiter mass runs (from Ranger) 20mj_* → 20 Jupiter …
11:10 Blog: Meeting Update - 1119 Jason and Ivan comment added by idilernia
5mj_* → 5 Jupiter mass runs (from Ranger) 20mj_* → 20 Jupiter mass …
11:06 stdout.tar.gz attached to Blog: Meeting Update - 1119 Jason and Ivan by idilernia
11:00 rho_g1.67_acrit.gif attached to MachStems by ehansen
10:59 rho_g1.67_acrit.png attached to MachStems by ehansen
10:58 MachStems edited by ehansen
10:57 rho_g1.67_bcrit.gif attached to MachStems by ehansen
10:56 rho_g1.67_bcrit.png attached to MachStems by ehansen
10:56 rho_g1.67_crit.gif attached to MachStems by ehansen
10:56 rho_g1.67_crit.png attached to MachStems by ehansen
10:56 mesh_g1.67.png attached to MachStems by ehansen
10:47 Blog: Meeting Update - 1119 Jason and Ivan comment added by Jonathan
Can you post the standard out for both runs from the last good frame …
10:45 Blog: Meeting Update 11/19/2012 edited by Jonathan
10:44 Blog: Meeting Update 11/19/2012 edited by Jonathan
10:37 MachStems edited by ehansen
10:34 rho_g1.4.gif attached to MachStems by ehansen
10:34 rho_g1.4.png attached to MachStems by ehansen
10:34 mesh_g1.4.png attached to MachStems by ehansen
10:33 MachStems edited by ehansen
09:50 Blog: Martin's update, 20 nov '12 edited by martinhe
09:49 Blog: Martin's update, 20 nov '12 edited by martinhe
09:48 Blog: Meeting Update 11/19/2012 - Baowei edited by Baowei Liu
09:34 Blog: Meeting Update 11/19/2012 - Baowei created by Baowei Liu
09:29 Blog: Martin's update, 20 nov '12 edited by martinhe
08:59 Blog: Meeting Update - 1119 Jason and Ivan created by idilernia
08:52 Blog: Meeting Update 11/19/2012 created by Jonathan
08:48 visit0023.png attached to idilernia by idilernia
08:48 visit0009.2.png attached to idilernia by idilernia
08:48 Blog: Martin's update, 20 nov '12 edited by martinhe
08:46 Blog: Martin's update, 20 nov '12 edited by martinhe
08:45 Blog: Martin's update, 20 nov '12 edited by martinhe
08:45 10mj.gif attached to idilernia by idilernia
08:44 1mj.2.gif attached to idilernia by idilernia


12:39 Blog: Martin's update, 20 nov '12 edited by martinhe


15:59 Blog: First images from high-res sims edited by idilernia
15:56 Blog: First images from high refinement sims created by idilernia
15:43 mixing-0.png attached to idilernia by idilernia
15:37 1mj.gif attached to idilernia by idilernia
15:34 pattern.png attached to idilernia by idilernia
13:11 Blog: Martin's update, 20 nov '12 edited by martinhe
09:15 Blog: Martin's update, 20 nov '12 created by martinhe


14:55 Blog: Performance comparison between BlueStreak and Grass edited by Jonathan
14:55 Blog: Performance comparison between BlueStreak and Grass edited by Jonathan
14:54 Blog: Performance comparison between BlueStreak and Grass edited by Jonathan
14:52 Blog: Performance comparison between BlueStreak and Grass edited by Jonathan
14:52 PerformanceComp.jpg attached to Blog: Performance comparison between BlueStreak and Grass by Jonathan
14:51 Blog: Performance comparison between BlueStreak and Grass created by Jonathan
13:48 MachStems edited by ehansen
13:32 MachStems edited by ehansen
13:31 MachStems created by ehansen
13:01 u/ehansen edited by ehansen
13:00 u/ehansen edited by ehansen


09:53 Blog: Meeting Update 11/12/2012 - Eddie edited by ehansen
09:51 Blog: Meeting Update 1112 - Jason and Ivan created by idilernia
09:47 Blog: Martin's update, 12 nov '12 edited by martinhe
09:43 visit0000.png attached to idilernia by idilernia
09:37 Blog: Meeting Update Nov. 12 edited by Shule Li
09:37 Blog: Baowei's Meeting Update -- 11/12/2012 edited by Baowei Liu
09:36 Blog: Meeting Update Nov. 12 created by Shule Li
09:32 Blog: Baowei's Meeting Update -- 11/12/2012 created by Baowei Liu
09:09 Blog: Meeting Update 11/12/2012 - Eddie created by ehansen


16:51 Blog: Parallel HDF5 edited by idilernia
16:50 Blog: Parallel HDF5 edited by idilernia
16:49 Blog: Parallel HDF5 created by idilernia
16:29 p4.png attached to idilernia by idilernia
16:29 p2.png attached to idilernia by idilernia
16:29 p1.png attached to idilernia by idilernia


11:32 Blog: Martin's update, 12 nov '12 created by martinhe
11:18 behse.gif attached to idilernia by idilernia
10:01 Blog: Titles for upgraded versions of AstroBEAR comment added by Erica Kaminski
Great ideas! I like Polar, Panda, and Grizzly… Pooh may be too …


21:10 Blog: Titles for upgraded versions of AstroBEAR comment added by Jonathan
What about bear characters? Yogi, Baloo, Paddington, Pooh, Fozzie, …
21:06 Blog: Titles for upgraded versions of AstroBEAR comment added by Jonathan
Not sure how I feel about 'sloth' :)
19:27 Blog: Titles for upgraded versions of AstroBEAR comment added by Adam Frank
I like the nickname idea
18:06 Blog: Titles for upgraded versions of AstroBEAR comment added by ehansen
forgive me for not being a mac user, but I just realized this is …
17:58 Blog: Titles for upgraded versions of AstroBEAR comment added by ehansen
That would be cool, but I don't know if we would want to get too …


16:33 Blog: Titles for upgraded versions of AstroBEAR created by Erica Kaminski


13:21 Blog: Meeting Update 11/5 edited by Jonathan
13:21 Blog: Meeting Update 11/5 edited by Jonathan
13:20 Blog: Meeting Update 11/5 created by Jonathan
13:13 Blog: Meeting Update 1105 - Jason and Ivan edited by idilernia
13:12 Blog: Meeting Update 1105 - Jason and Ivan created by idilernia
13:09 be.gif attached to idilernia by idilernia
13:00 frame2.png attached to idilernia by idilernia
13:00 frame1.png attached to idilernia by idilernia
13:00 frame0.png attached to idilernia by idilernia
11:51 Blog: Meeting Update 11/05/2012 - Eddie edited by ehansen
11:50 Blog: Martin's update, 5 Nov, '12 created by martinhe
11:50 Blog: Meeting Update 11/05/2012 - Eddie edited by ehansen
11:49 Blog: Meeting Update 11/05/2012 - Eddie edited by ehansen
11:46 bowshape.PNG attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/05/2012 - Eddie by ehansen
11:45 Blog: Meeting Update 11/05/2012 - Eddie created by ehansen
10:06 Blog: Baowei's Meeting Update 11/05/12 edited by Baowei Liu
10:05 Blog: Baowei's Meeting Update 11/05/12 created by Baowei Liu


10:19 Blog: Spectral prolongation edited by Jonathan
10:16 vx_plan_windowed.png attached to Blog: Spectral prolongation by Jonathan
10:15 vx_plan.png attached to Blog: Spectral prolongation by Jonathan


14:21 Frame100Spectra.png attached to Blog: Spectral prolongation by Jonathan
14:20 Smooth100_spect.png attached to Blog: Spectral prolongation by Jonathan


20:07 Blog: Spectral prolongation edited by Jonathan
20:07 SpectralvFixedGrid.png attached to Blog: Spectral prolongation by Jonathan
20:07 Blog: Spectral prolongation edited by Jonathan
19:48 SpectralComp.png attached to Blog: Spectral prolongation by Jonathan
19:48 ProlongationComp.png attached to Blog: Spectral prolongation by Jonathan
16:22 HydroStaticStar edited by idilernia
15:37 Blog: preliminary mach stem runs edited by ehansen
15:36 stemrho.gif attached to Blog: preliminary mach stem runs by ehansen
15:36 rho0100.png attached to Blog: preliminary mach stem runs by ehansen
15:35 Blog: preliminary mach stem runs edited by ehansen
12:56 HydroStaticStar edited by idilernia


14:33 machstem.png attached to Blog: preliminary mach stem runs by ehansen
14:32 Blog: preliminary mach stem run created by ehansen
11:30 Blog: Spectral prolongation edited by Jonathan
11:30 test_reconstruct.f90 attached to Blog: Spectral prolongation by Jonathan
11:30 1DSpectralProlongation.png attached to Blog: Spectral prolongation by Jonathan
11:29 ReconstructNonShifted.png attached to Blog: Spectral prolongation by Jonathan
11:29 Blog: Spectral prolongation created by Jonathan


10:42 Blog: Meeting Update edited by Erica Kaminski
10:01 Blog: Martin's update, 29 Oct, '12 created by martinhe
09:52 Blog: Meeting Update 1029 - Jason and Ivan edited by idilernia
09:49 Blog: Meeting Update 1029 - Jason and Ivan created by idilernia
09:44 visit0036.png attached to hsediskruns by idilernia
09:43 Blog: Meeting Update 10/29/2012 - Baowei edited by Baowei Liu
09:42 Blog: Meeting Update 1028 created by Shule Li
09:41 Blog: Meeting Update 10/29/2012 - Eddie created by ehansen
09:41 Blog: Meeting Update 10/29/2012 - Baowei created by Baowei Liu
09:24 hsediskruns edited by idilernia
09:23 be_hse.png attached to hsediskruns by idilernia
09:21 1mj100_50000.png attached to hsediskruns by idilernia
09:16 mov_2.gif attached to hsediskruns by idilernia
09:15 test2.mp4 attached to hsediskruns by idilernia
09:15 test.mp4 attached to hsediskruns by idilernia


19:13 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
19:04 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
19:04 matched_m_r.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
13:48 u/erica/BPmovies edited by Erica Kaminski
13:46 u/erica/BPmovies edited by Erica Kaminski
13:45 tempBPfinal.gif attached to u/erica/BPmovies by Erica Kaminski
13:45 vradBPfinal.gif attached to u/erica/BPmovies by Erica Kaminski
13:45 tracerBPfinal.gif attached to u/erica/BPmovies by Erica Kaminski
13:45 accVecBPfinal.gif attached to u/erica/BPmovies by Erica Kaminski
13:44 gasphiBPfinal.gif attached to u/erica/BPmovies by Erica Kaminski
13:44 rhoBPfinal.gif attached to u/erica/BPmovies by Erica Kaminski
13:44 u/erica/BPmovies created by Erica Kaminski
13:44 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
13:44 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
13:43 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
13:38 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
13:37 Blog: Meeting Update created by Erica Kaminski
13:31 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
13:30 100.m_t_shell.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
13:30 100.m_t.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
13:30 100.rho.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
13:30 100.vrad.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
13:30 100.m_r.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
13:30 100.pressures.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
13:22 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
12:44 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
12:43 10.m_t_shell.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
12:43 10.m_t.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
12:43 10.rho.2.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
12:42 10.vrad.2.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
12:42 10.m_r.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
12:42 10.pressures.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
12:42 3.162vrad.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
12:41 3.162rho.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
12:40 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
12:40 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
12:39 10.vrad.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
12:39 10.rho.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
12:39 31.vrad.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
12:39 31.rho.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
12:38 31.rho.2.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
12:00 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
11:59 31.m_t_shell.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
11:59 31.m_t.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
11:58 31.m_r.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
11:58 31.pressures.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
11:51 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
11:39 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
11:28 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
11:20 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
11:10 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
10:58 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
10:56 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
10:51 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
10:50 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
10:49 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
10:46 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
10:45 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
10:45 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski


19:02 3.162m_t_shell.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
19:02 3.162_M_T.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
19:02 3.162m_r.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
19:02 3.162pressures.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
19:02 m_t.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
19:02 m_t_shell.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
19:01 rho.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
19:01 vrad.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
19:01 pressures.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
19:00 m_r.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
18:58 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
18:48 u/erica/BERunsFigures edited by Erica Kaminski
17:08 Matchedm_t0.1.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
17:07 MatchedM_T.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
17:07 Matchedrho.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
17:07 Matchedvrad.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
17:07 Matchedm_r.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
17:07 Matchedpressures.png attached to u/erica/BERunsFigures by Erica Kaminski
17:07 u/erica/BERunsFigures created by Erica Kaminski
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.