
matching tags


18:57 Blog: Remapping from Turbulence sims to 3D Cloud collapse sims edited by Jonathan
08:56 Blog: Remapping from Turbulence sims to 3D Cloud collapse sims edited by Jonathan


17:55 Blog: Remapping from Turbulence sims to 3D Cloud collapse sims edited by Jonathan
16:03 Blog: GravoTurbulent Params edited by Jonathan


15:28 Blog: Remapping from Turbulence sims to 3D Cloud collapse sims edited by Jonathan
13:57 ReMap.png attached to Blog: Remapping from Turbulence sims to 3D Cloud collapse sims by Jonathan
13:57 Blog: Remapping from Turbulence sims to 3D Cloud collapse sims created by Jonathan


08:58 CollidingFlows edited by Jonathan
08:30 MassCurveOldCooling.png attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan
08:30 EnergyCurves.png attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan
08:30 EnergyCurvesFirstRuns.png attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan


18:34 Equilibrium Curve2.png attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan
16:24 CollidingFlows edited by Jonathan
16:04 Equilibrium Curve.png attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan


15:02 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
14:40 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
13:43 jet2_cut.png attached to AstroBearProjects/MagnetizedClumps by Shule Li
13:43 jet_speed_higherratio_clumpper.png attached to AstroBearProjects/MagnetizedClumps by Shule Li
13:43 jet_speed_higherratio.png attached to AstroBearProjects/MagnetizedClumps by Shule Li
13:43 jet_speed_clumpper.png attached to AstroBearProjects/MagnetizedClumps by Shule Li
13:42 jet_cross_cut_zoom.png attached to AstroBearProjects/MagnetizedClumps by Shule Li
13:42 jet_cross_cut.png attached to AstroBearProjects/MagnetizedClumps by Shule Li
13:42 enstrophy_ordered.png attached to AstroBearProjects/MagnetizedClumps by Shule Li
10:21 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
10:10 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
10:01 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
09:57 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe


13:54 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
13:51 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
13:51 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
13:50 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
13:35 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
12:53 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
12:46 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
12:36 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
11:53 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
10:44 CubeRotate.gif attached to CameraObjects by Jonathan
10:42 CameraObjects edited by Jonathan
09:56 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
07:09 FrequentQuestions/LinuxFu edited by Jonathan


10:14 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
09:38 CollidingFlows edited by Jonathan
09:34 rotating.AVI attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan
09:34 pdfs.AVI attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan
09:30 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
09:30 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
09:28 MixingRatio.AVI attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan
09:10 DensityHistogram.AVI attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan
09:06 ColumnDensityAlong1.AVI attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan
08:58 ColumnDensity.AVI attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan


14:28 Blog: GravoTurbulent Params edited by Jonathan
14:21 VirializedCloud.png attached to Blog: GravoTurbulent Params by Jonathan
13:21 Blog: Meeting Update created by Jonathan
13:05 Blog: Baowei's Meeting Update 04/24/12 edited by Baowei Liu
13:05 Blog: Baowei's Meeting Update 04/24/12 created by Baowei Liu
12:32 CameraObjects edited by Jonathan
12:28 ProjectionObjects edited by Jonathan
12:17 CameraObjects edited by Jonathan
12:16 rotating.gif attached to CameraObjects by Jonathan
12:10 Blog: GravoTurbulent Params edited by Jonathan
12:09 Blog: GravoTurbulent Params edited by Jonathan
11:59 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
11:42 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
11:36 AstroBearPublication edited by Baowei Liu
11:35 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
11:25 Blog: Meeting Update 04/24/2012 - Eddie edited by ehansen
11:24 Blog: Meeting Update 04/24/2012 - Eddie edited by ehansen
11:24 DM_compare_temp.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 04/24/2012 - Eddie by ehansen
11:23 Blog: Meeting Update 04/24/2012 - Eddie created by ehansen
11:18 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
11:08 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
10:49 1DPulsedJets edited by ehansen


14:42 LayoutObjects edited by Jonathan
14:31 LayoutObjects edited by Jonathan
13:53 UserGuide edited by Jonathan
13:20 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
13:13 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
11:41 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
11:31 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
11:19 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
11:15 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
11:14 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
11:12 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame edited by martinhe
11:11 Blog: Martin's update, 24 Apr '12 edited by martinhe
11:08 Blog: Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame created by martinhe
10:47 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
10:45 Blog: Martin's update, 24 Apr '12 edited by martinhe


14:26 CameraObjects edited by Jonathan
09:49 CameraObjects created by Jonathan
09:41 ProjectionObjects edited by Jonathan


17:31 CollidingFlows edited by Jonathan
17:17 ColumnDensityAlong1.gif attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan
17:10 CollidingFlows edited by Jonathan
16:52 CollidingFlows edited by Jonathan


22:11 MassEvolution.png attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan
22:11 EnergyEvolution.png attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan
22:09 DensityHistogram.gif attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan
22:09 MixingRatio.gif attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan
21:37 pdfs.gif attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan
21:36 ColumnDensity.gif attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan
13:41 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
13:39 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
13:33 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
11:02 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
11:00 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
10:46 Blog: Martin's update, 24 Apr '12 created by martinhe
02:31 Blog: Some Potential Hedla Movies edited by Shule Li
02:30 Blog: Some Potential Hedla Movies edited by Shule Li


12:57 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
12:29 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
10:44 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
10:39 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
09:54 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe


17:42 Blog: Martin's update, 17 Apr '12 comment added by Jonathan
what library is only available on the development queue?
01:10 Blog: Some Potential Hedla Movies edited by Shule Li
01:08 Blog: Some Potential Hedla Movies edited by Shule Li


18:53 Blog: Meeting Check-in created by Erica Kaminski
10:09 Blog: AGN jet truncation edited by martinhe
10:06 Blog: AGN jet truncation edited by martinhe
06:43 Blog: Volume rendered density evolution: toroidal only case edited by Shule Li
06:43 Blog: Volume rendered density evolution: toroidal only case created by Shule Li


14:05 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
13:44 1DPulsedJets edited by ehansen
13:18 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
13:10 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
13:09 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
13:02 Blog: Martin's update, 17 Apr '12 edited by martinhe
12:35 Blog: Martin's update, 17 Apr '12 edited by martinhe


17:23 Blog: Martin's update, 17 Apr '12 edited by martinhe
14:36 u/johannjc edited by Jonathan
13:19 u/johannjc edited by Jonathan


15:10 Blog: Martin's update, 17 Apr '12 created by martinhe


13:45 u/johannjc edited by Jonathan
13:13 u/johannjc edited by Jonathan


15:56 Blog: Density lineout - matches Bannerjee comment added by Erica Kaminski
The lines mark the size of the smallest cell, and the colors …
09:48 Blog: AGN jet truncation edited by martinhe


08:29 Blog: GravoTurbulent Params edited by Jonathan
08:28 Blog: GravoTurbulent Params edited by Jonathan
08:20 Blog: GravoTurbulent Params edited by Jonathan
07:48 Blog: GravoTurbulent Params edited by Jonathan


16:29 Blog: Meeting Update created by Jonathan
16:24 u/johannjc edited by Jonathan
16:12 Blog: First run on Kraken edited by Jonathan
16:12 Blog: First run on Kraken edited by Jonathan
16:02 Blog: Density lineout - matches Bannerjee created by Erica Kaminski
15:50 DM400steady_temp0010.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 04/10/2012 - Eddie by ehansen
15:50 DM_temp.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 04/10/2012 - Eddie by ehansen
15:49 Blog: Meeting Update 04/10/2012 - Eddie edited by ehansen
15:20 Blog: Poster Suggestions edited by blin
15:16 Blog: Meeting Update 04.10 created by Shule Li
14:53 Blog: Poster Suggestions created by blin
13:32 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
13:14 Blog: Meeting Update 04/10/2012 - Eddie edited by ehansen
13:13 DM1600_temp0010.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 04/10/2012 - Eddie by ehansen
13:13 DM1600_temp.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 04/10/2012 - Eddie by ehansen
13:13 DM800_temp0010.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 04/10/2012 - Eddie by ehansen
13:12 DM800_temp.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 04/10/2012 - Eddie by ehansen
13:12 DM400_temp0010.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 04/10/2012 - Eddie by ehansen
13:12 DM400_temp.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 04/10/2012 - Eddie by ehansen
13:11 Blog: Meeting Update 04/10/2012 - Eddie created by ehansen
12:00 Blog: Baowei's Meeting Update 04/10/12 created by Baowei Liu


21:00 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
20:56 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
20:55 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
20:48 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
20:41 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
17:06 Blog: Martin's update, 10 Apr '12 created by martinhe
16:40 Blog: IICool modications edited by Jonathan
16:33 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
16:14 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
16:03 EquilibriumP.png attached to Blog: IICool modications by Jonathan
15:06 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
15:03 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
15:01 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
14:56 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
14:27 HistogramExplained.png attached to Blog: Histogram funniness by Jonathan
14:27 Blog: Histogram funniness created by Jonathan
11:42 Blog: AGN jet truncation edited by martinhe
11:39 Blog: AGN jet truncation edited by martinhe
11:36 Blog: AGN jet truncation edited by martinhe
11:19 ProcessingObjects edited by Jonathan
09:23 Blog: First run on Kraken created by Jonathan


09:13 Param2.png attached to Blog: IICool modications by Jonathan
09:13 Param1.png attached to Blog: IICool modications by Jonathan
09:13 Blog: IICool modications created by Jonathan


07:02 Blog: Achieving a target kinetic energy by varying the forcing strength... edited by Jonathan
07:01 Blog: Achieving a target kinetic energy by varying the forcing strength... edited by Jonathan
07:00 Energy.png attached to Blog: Achieving a target kinetic energy by varying the forcing strength... by Jonathan


14:57 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
14:44 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
14:41 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
14:38 Blog: Binary-formed disks with Bondi accretion edited by martinhe
00:20 Blog: Achieving a target kinetic energy by varying the forcing strength... edited by Jonathan


17:52 Blog: Achieving a target kinetic energy by varying the forcing strength... created by Jonathan


12:57 AstroBearPublication edited by Baowei Liu
00:32 LayoutObjects created by Jonathan
00:22 PFFT created by Jonathan
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.