Fig1 shows the roche-lobe and 5 Lagrangian points. The red ring is the boundary of the primary star. Gif2, gif3 and gif4 are animations. Fig5 is the mass gain of the secondary.

I use thermal-driven wind model, which is parker's solution of isothermal wind. I have checked the wind speed for single star case, it is about 30% higher than theoretical solution at this resolution. So the mass loss rate will not deviate too much.

The mass loss rate of a single primary star (without the secondary) is solar mass per year. The mass of the primary star is 0.1379 solar mass, secondary is 0.1 solar mass. Isothermal temperature is 2000K, sonic radius is at 7.5 AU, also the wind should reach its escape velocity at about 9 AU according to Parker's solution. The separation of the two stars is 4 AU. The scale in Roche-Lobe picture is 1AU per unit length, that is, red ring has radius of 1 AU.

But when I add the secondary there, the accretion rate is solar mass per year. I think this is reasonable because the secondary is in the subsonic region and its existence is affecting the structure of the wind, or the stellar structure of the primary, which leads to much higher mass loss rate.​ The reason that the mass loss can behave very differently to the solely thermal-driven case may be the secondary is attracting the gas therefore removing the gas from the boundary much faster than thermal-driven wind. Then the more gas will be pushed from the boundary due to pressure (Ideal gas).






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