SED and pictures at specific wavelengths

I use Mie model to calculate the dust optical properties as follow.

Then I put a mixture of 0.1 um olivine and 0.3 um pyroxene in the hydro simulation. The spatial distribution of the dust is a superposition of the following three distribution. Let me start from the output of hydro simulation:

  1. Create a 3 AU radius sphere that has 0 dust since this region is probably too hot for dust. You can imagine we are in a spherical coordinate.
  1. Make the distribution along z-axis as a gaussian and the spread increases as radius increase. Here we are in cylindrical coordinate. The functional form is . The purpose of this layer is to create a thin disk of dust.
  1. Add a dust distribution that is proportional to the gas density. This dust density at equatorial plane is low compared to the dust density in step 2 but higher in polar or other regions.

In this simulation, the total dust mass is only , it is 20 times less than the dust mass in Kervella's paper.

You can compare the result with Kervella's result in at page 9.

I put a 3500 K (effective) AGB star at the center of the hydro simulation result. Its radius is 123 solar radii, equivalent to 2000 solar luminosity. This type of AGB star fits in HR diagram with ZAMS evolution. The SED is from 0.5 um to 100 um.

In Kervella's paper, they take a reddened version of AGB spectrum as its initial SED, which I did not do. If I go through that procedure, I think the SED should looks more similar.

Below are four pictures at 0.65 um, 1.24 um, 2.17 um and 4.05 um respectively, they are in the same logarithmic intensity scale.

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