It is unphysical to force the initial condition to be the initial condition that Thomas (Orsola's student) sent me since the density in SPH is sampled via kernel function with its own radius but AstroBEAR has another mesh size. In short, the density at the central point is sampled within a small volume in SPH but our finest grid size is huge compared to that volume. If nothing done to the initial condition, the core will explode since it has around 3.5 solar mass. The density scale is in computational unit (1e-12 g/cc)

Explode, topdensity

Explode, sidedensity

After carving out the core with a replacement of 50R_sun radius, 10000 Kelvin, 5E-9 g/cc density and 0 outward velocity spherical boundary. The density is in physical unit (g/cc). Sorry that I did not make two sets of movies in the same scale.




The flow looks more smooth and outflow is less violent. The flow structure is preserved within 6 years of simulation.

Attachments (2)


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