Stellar wind simulation diagnosis

Choose the star mass = 1 solar mass. Mass loss rate 1E-5 solar mass per year. Radiation force to be 92.83% of gravitational force and applied to all space. Temperature is 2000 Kelvin. Isothermal wind.

Result from Mathematica is shown as below:

Below is the result from AstroBEAR:

The relative difference is about 16%. The reason we have this difference is that we have to specify the wind speed and density on the edge of the star and AstroBEAR module will linearize them within the star and apply them as ghost cell in Riemann Solver. Thus create self-inconsistent boundary conditions.

Another factor is the resolution, which is obvious.

If we want to get a more realistic result:

Solve the problem to give the boundary condition. However, the problem may become tricky because the solution is singular at sonic point.

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