Meeting 4/28 - Ruka

  1. Mach Stems- all but one run done. Made a very silly mistake with restarts, should be finished within 4 days.
  1. Finished Chapter 13 & 14 of Toro. I have some ideas for the scope of my final paper- a possible New User's Guide to Numerics?
  1. PN Poster. Received template for poster from Martin, I will begin to work on constructing this poster to present at the CIRC symposium. What are the timelines?


1. Baowei Liu -- 11 years ago

Ruka, you would need a title and abstract to register your poster here: . The deadline for registration is today April-28th. The poster session will be held on May 9th at Medical center. Usually Dave needs a couple of days to print your poster out. So you have about a week to work on your poster document (usually in pdf form).