Conduction Front Analytic test

The self-similar solution of the temperature of a thermal conduction front (without hydro) is described by the following set of equations:

where is the peak temperature:

is the interface position:

is a constant:

here is the thermal conduction constant, is thermal conduction index. The idea of the test is that for any given (which determines total energy inside the grid), we can generate a set of parameters , to get a profile . We can therefore first find a starting profile at by input a time , run the pure conduction code with said to , and compare it with profile .

Also notice that the above equations only give the profile left to . We have to hand pick a value for . This usually depends on the resolution. I recommend cut off the profile left to at a point , and use as the uniform temperature to the right.

I wrote a quick thrown together executable that will return and by getting input of , and time, located at /home/shuleli/gadgets/cond. for example, type the following command on the cmd line and hit enter,
./cond 0.001 100.0 0.1
would return "at time 0.1, Tc is 36.2443, x0 is 1.68733".


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