Meeting Update 09.27

Mainly working on the multiphysics solver. Some change to the scheme I talked about last week:
(1) the viscosity solver is now using a 8-cell stencil instead of 12-cell in 2-D.
(2) now both solvers use allocated arrays to store the source terms (viscous force and current) instead of calculating source on each cell thus it saves repeated computations.
(3) now the source term flux from multiphysics solver goes into the fixup fluxes to render a better momentum and divergence conservation between levels.
(4) we are able to switch between the super-stepping approach ESHSSHSE (2 additional ghost zones)and more symmetric approach ESHSEESHSE (4 ghost zones.)
(5) both viscosity and resistivity use the same ghost zone, the solver swaps their order depending on which AMR step it is in.
(6) working on 1-D interface problem to make sure the AMR works correctly. After that, we would do an instability problem that can be put in the future paper.


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