NLUF stuff 2

Update: notice that these runs are really beta = 1000 and 100. The correct beta runs with beta = 10 and 1, with a cold initial setup that matches the experiment will be posted later tomorrow.

Resolution: 64 zones per clump radius. All the MHD runs have Spitzer resistivity (~T-3/2) turned on. There is no post-shock B field imposed, only the initial ambient is magnetized.

Density comparison for hydro, beta = 10, beta = 1 (notice beta = 1 is under refined)

beta comparison for beta = 10, beta = 1 at the end of the runs (the scales is: 100, 1000, 1e+4, etc)

The comparison of density of the two low res AMR runs for beta = 10 and beta = 1.

The comparison of initial and final temperature for beta = 10 run (in eV).

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