Meeting Update 0903

  • TSF simulation is taking longer than I expected. Currently the only unfinished run is the perpendicular rotation Mach1.5 one, should finish within next week. But we shall start thinking about what to say in the upcoming paper (meeting this week?).

  • Coded up a rudimentary ambipolar diffusion explicit solver using the single fluid model described here:
We can run simple oblique shock tests to verify it in coming weeks. Could be helpful for some future MHD turbulence sims etc. Two-fluid algorithms can be found in recent literatures, for instance:
but requires substantially more coding effort.

  • Since the current code takes very long time (especially on the Spitzer diffusivity problem in NLUF project) on solving fast diffusion problems with explicit solver, I have picked up the code for explicit subcycling and persistent data structure for communications during subcycling. The alternative is to code up hypre support for implicit solving, but it requires an additional divergence cleaning algorithm implemented for both resistivity and ambipolar diffusion.

  • Currently going through the process of polishing CV and writing statement of purpose for postdoc fellowship applications. Some of them ends end of Sep ~ Oct, so not much time left. I will also apply for summer interns 2014 at tech companies later this semester, and possibly a job in next fall, so I'm reviewing interview problems (mostly on coding and algorithms).

  • NLUF project: first shots will be taken this week, I will be participating in the post-shot (?) meeting on Thursday.


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