Meeting Update 0819

  • Triggered Star Formation
    A comparison between Krumholz and Federrath accretion algorithms:

    We should be able to finish all runs needed for the first paper of this project by the end of August. Two things to think about: (1) what to say in the paper? (2) we should start accumulating low resolution simulations (on bluestreak since it's free) for the next step we want to go (magnetic field?).

  • Ablative RT
    The following is a movie showing the evolution of density and temperature over 5 instability growth times (assuming single mode, t = 1/sqrt(k*g), where k = 2*pi/l, l is the width of the box). 5 growth time = 1 sound crossing time after fixing the scaling.

    Next step would be to continue to check the input: (1) Boundary condition I've been using is slightly different from Riccardo's, which may explain the fluctuation on the boundary. (2) effect of varying g. (3) use the "homebrew" initial condition.

  • NLUF
    Draft of initial condition setup (shock speed = 80km/s coming from the left).

    In the rad-hydro simulation, the radiation precursor would hit the target first, followed by the thick ablator front:

    I have not decided how to mimic this setup, the simplest thing to do is run with a single shock. The shocked runs should take a few hours each, I also checked the stability behavior of the setup across the simulation time (6 ns as used in the rad-hydro simulations) since the setup is not in pressure equilibrium:

    density movie
    temperature movie

    Another thing that we may put in is a constant pressure on the boundary to simulate the incoming laser pulse.


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