Meeting Update Jun 17

Have done a set of testing runs of TSF of Krumholtz accretion in patched refinement:

res initial mass accrete? massive particle created?
80+1 15 yes no
80+2 3.58 yes no
80+3 1.02 yes no
80+4 0.65 yes no
80+5 0.47 yes no
320+0 40 yes no
320+1 0.27 no yes
320+2 6.52e-3 no yes
320+3 4.35e-4 no yes

As shown above, the creation of an unphysical massive particle (usually with mass 1e+4) seems to be correlated with whether the first created particle is able to accrete or not. Strangely, for any resolution above 320+1, the particle accretes at a significantly slower speed (usually at a ratio of 1e-4 times slower).

The 80+4 run provides 256 zones per cloud radius, while not ideal, it's decently fast for a high res simulation. We can go for 80+4 or do some more testing this week on 160 base resolution + 3 levels of refinement for the conference poster. For a paper, I think we should still shoot for 512 zones per cloud radius because that seems to be what most papers on shock-cloud interaction have been using recently. Either do 80+5 or 160+4 (slow), or figure out what's wrong with 320+3.
We need at least three runs: Mach = 1.5, Mach = 3.5, Mach = 1.5 rotating, these should finish in about a week.
I will be out of town for a short break from this Thursday till Sunday.


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