New simulation setup

Here's a new simulation setup for the next round of TSF sims (rho and temperature scales are log10 based):

For these, the wind velocity is subject to an exponential decrease since we have linear feature for the velocity-distance plot (Chevalier 1974), we can compute the time dependence by:

dv/ds = -c (where c is some slope counting from the shell front to the left)

thus dv/dt = dv/ds ds/dt = dv/ds v = -cv

thus v is an exponential decay on t: v = v0exp(-c t) where v0 is the initial wind velocity 150 km/s, c is the slope in the velocity-distance plot, which is about 7.884 if we count t in million years. This leads to the wind drops to subsonic at about 0.11 million years. In the code, the wind injection is shut off when Mach number of the wind drops below 1.

Also, I found in the previous paper the Mach 1.5 is using 2x ambient density while the Mach 3 run is using 4x ambient density. So I'm inclined to redo the Mach 3 run to make the comparison even for the revision. The rest of the revision are done.

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