Meeting Update May 28

Need a letter demonstrating the covering of trip expense to Germany by tomorrow.

TSF Checked one thing we discussed last week, the initial cloud mass is about 1.15 solar mass. In the Krumholz runs, the final mass of the star is about 0.95 solar mass as indicated in my previous blog post. This means the star takes about 82% of the initial cloud mass, 3% of the star mass is wind material, so about 80% of the initial cloud material ends up in the star.

Rotational TSF Got the rotating TSF set up and running. The parameter is similar to those defined in Banerjee:

What we have:

A1 3.78e-13 0.1 0.0081
A2 7.56e-13 0.2 0.032
O1 3.78e-13 0.1 0.0081
O2 7.56e-13 0.2 0.032

A1 is currently running. I think we should at least have A1 and O1 (preferably high res) finished before the conference. After that we can focus on the rest and writing the paper. MHD supported cloud likely require a different cloud setup so that should be another paper.

NLUF From the discussion this morning it seems to be able to simulate the local change of resistivity at least to a certain degree (analytic model), is important. What I got as expected parameters:

Material: Argon.

Three problems:

  1. the preshock material is cold and less conductive, the postshock material has higher temperature thus more conductive, which is not simulated currently.
  2. the conductivity inside the ball tends to be low because of low temperature, however, it is this field that is important when shocked. If the field inside the ball diffuse quickly into the ambient as a result of high resistivity, we may not get the desired behavior.
  3. Whether to look down the axis or orthogonal to the axis.


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