Meeting Update Mar 31 2014

Triggered Star Formation on Contained Poloidal Field with Mach = 1.5, Beta = 3

Comparing to the Beta = 12 and 6 cases:

We definitely see more "eruption" from the center of the core due to the field compression near the star. I will go on to production runs with different contained field cases adding rotation.

Triggered Star Formation on Uniform Field with Mach = 1.5, Beta = 6 (no star formed)

It could be interesting to study the triggered collapse (how likely, and the mixing) of magnetically subcritical cores where Mass to Flux ratio:

Here we don't need BE sphere or rotation, just cores with the right mass (~ solar mass), uniform magnetic field (1 ~ 10 uG) and an array of different Mach and field orientation.


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