Meeting Update 03.13

The 4 uniform field runs are finished (fixed grid). I will meet with Ruka next Monday to discuss the analysis to do on the data.
The single mode runs will start shortly.

RT stuff:
Ported the implicit thermal diffusion code over to the new version of the code. I have been doing RT tests using Riccardo's data, which generates the same outputs as we've seen before. (spike growing at the interface)
I'll either use my own RT profile or invent some new quantitative tests to see whether the algorithm or the data is the reason in the next few days.

I have been working on the subcycling part of the code with isotropic thermal diffusion. The code is currently running fine but does not looking correct. I think we can get it done faster than we thought it would be, except for the persistent send/recv part. It will also be helpful for the RT stuff if we can compare the subcycled thermal diffusion vs the implicit thermal diffusion.


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