Meeting Update Mar.4

TSF: For GLMYG setup, we can derive from the information in the paper that mu = 1.0357. The following profile can be derived too:

density parts/cc temperature
center 9.8e-20 5.7e+4 20
edge 6.831e-21 3.973e+3 20
ambient 1.725e-22 1.00328e+2 792

For isothermal, crossing time = 715 kyr, shock crossing time = 7.15 kyr. We study the cloud stability in the following three settings:

addiabatic (initialized by isothermal profile):

with DM cooling (initialized by isothermal profile):

Boss setup, Mach = 3:

Boss setup, Mach = 5:

Boss setup, Mach = 10:

Next steps:

  1. run GLMYG setup with wind in low res setting.
  2. move to stampede to finish high resolution runs. I got access to stampede last week, but there seems to be permission problem when compiling the code.

FLD: I'm currently working on the implicit code that will be handed to Jonathan to do flux limited diffusion.

LLE: You can now view the LLE presentation about resistive clumps online:
(This is written in PowerPoint2013. For PowerPointX(X newer than 2007) users, the pptx version is recommended.
OpenOffice, Keynote users: converted ppt version will be uploaded soon).


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