My first blog post

To familiarise myself with AstroBear and various parameters, I have been running a problem which involves a collision between two jets

Trial 0: ran the problem as provided

Trial 1: Changed density of top jet from 6e16 to 3e16

Trial 2: Same as Trial 0, but increased density of ambient medium to 1e17 Took several attempts to get Visit to cooperate

Trial 3: Combine changes of both Trial 1 and Trial 2

Trial 4: Repeat Trial 3 with 160 frames, final time changed from 0.2 to 0.4

Trial 5: Same as Trial 4, but use ambient density 4e16 (i.e. between the densities of the jets). I accidentally overwrote the chombo files for this run so I will have to rerun it if I want anything other than this gif

Trial 6: Reran trial 2 at 4 levels of refinement. Since I'm running in debug this limited me to 22 frames (which I have since lost).


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