Isotropic Outflow attempt

  • As discussed earlier, I removed the temperature asymmetry from the problem by commenting out the function we wrote to vary it as a function of angle.

Problem As the image from the initial cycle shows, the right side is still colder than the left.

*Also, after cycle 10 the color bars at the base of the wind do not change, which means the temperature is being maintained as we need, but the contrast between the day and the night is unclear. I am using the unedited version of outflows.f90 for this and I still get the contrast.

Subsonic flow problem *We were not getting supersonic outflow at the boundary. I tried various fixes including increasing the box-size, ambient temperature and density but the mach number continues to stay below one for one side and supersonic for the other. Below curve A is for the left side.

Later on we do see supersonic speeds but it's mostly rightward inflow as shown by the contours below.

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Initial Conditions I ran these simulations for lambda=5.3 as done in the paper. The only part where my initial conditions differ from the paper are the direction of the ambient velocity. I gave it a y-directed initial sound speed. I am looking into how to make it radial by modifying the code.


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