2D Isothermal Anisotropic Winds

Here's a review of everything that has been accomplished up till now on the S&P problem.

*Introduced asymmetry wrt initial temperature in the outflow module.

*Initialized the ambient at low density and sound speed to allow for a thermally driven wind.

*Ran the simulations for a period of 10 days, temperature values of the order of 10,000K and planetary sizes of 1-2 Jupiter masses. *All having to do with different values of the hydrodynamic escape parameter

*Best results seen in the range of lambda 4-6. Robustness issues.

Following are some plots and a comparison with the S&P results.

lambda = 5.67 Density

*In steady state the pattern matches well with S&P results; purely radial flow at large distances and circulation at small distances.

*Major difference is the position of the shock. I do not see a discontinuity in the theta direction. Instead it's visible between the ambient and the planetary outflow. S&P get a shock discontinuity at about theta = 3pi/4

*Cuts at theta = 0 (K) , pi/2 (L) and pi (M). As expected.

Temperature *Day-night temperature ratio 20,000:200K. S&P kept a ratio of 100:1.

*The position of sonic surface is well in agreement with the S&P result occuring at almost 2*planetary_radius.

Main issue with code *Only gives sensible results for carefully chosen parameter values. Compare the movies below for lambda=5.67 and lambda=6.11 http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~mehr/wikistuff/movienew.gif


Next Tasks *Finish the write-up. *Owens Adams Paper *Move to 3D regime

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