Interaction of Planetary and Stellar winds (Stone/Proga continued)

  • Modified the outer boundary condition to introduce stellar wind.

-Fixed the density, internal energy and velocity in both directions at the boundary.

-Planet inside the wind acceleration region. Non-MHD model.

-Planetary wind swept back into parabolic shape.

-Discontinuity separating shocked planet and stellar winds

-Shock diverts the stellar wind around the outflow

-Constant density at terminal velocity*

-Nearly isothermal

Sonic Surfaces:

-At 0.5R fort the planetary wind. Same as the case without stellar wind

-At 2.5R planetary wind termination shock. Decelerates the wind.

-At 4.75R stellar wind termination shock.

-Exact location depends on the assumed momentum flux in the stellar wind. Confines the planetary wind close to the surface.

-Mass loss rate is nearly identical to the case with no stellar wind.

Comparison of Column density: -With stellar wind, viewing from the night side the column density is enhanced as the planetary wind is confined.

  • Cometary tail at a different angle.

Limitations: -No modelling of thermal processes, fixed parameters. -Non-MHD -Orbital motion of the planet and gravitation from the star not included. -Valid for low values of lambda.

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