Spreading ring calculations, Part II -- Marvin

In one of my last blog posts (https://astrobear.pas.rochester.edu/trac/blog/mblank05302015) I presented some "spreading ring calculations" that allow to estimate the magnitude of numerical viscosity in disk simulations with astroBEAR. There I introduced the parameter that gives the numerical viscosity in units of the maximum -viscosity .

In the following I show a parameter study of these calculations by varying the resolution of the simulations. However, I have performed this study in 2D to save computational time. The simulations from my previous post have a resolution (cell size) of 0.04 pc, here I additionally show simulations with 0.08, 0.02, and 0.01 pc.

The evolution of the spreading ring for all resolution levels is shown in the Figure below (upper left: 0.08 pc, upper right: 0.04 pc, lower left: 0.02 pc, lower right: 0.01 pc).

The qualiative evolution is quite similar for all the simulations, but as expected the spreading of the ring is slower with higher resolution. I also estimated the parameter following the procedure described in my previous post, and I additionally give the runtime of the simulations, all have been calculated using 64 cores:

resolution runtime
0.08 pc 11.3 min
0.04 pc 1 h
0.02 pc 5.3 h
0.01 pc 31.1 h

The upper right figure with a resolution of 0.04 pc can be compared with the corresponding 3D simulation of my previous post, again the qualitative evolution is similar, but the 2D simulation has a higher numerical viscosity than the 3D simulation, which has .

The numerical viscosity decreases with increasing resolution, as expected. Furthermore, it seems to be a linear function of the resolution, which makes sense: Let us consider the following simplified transport equation: For solving this equation numerically we want to replace the spatial derivative by a difference quotient. Therefore we make a taylor expansion of the function at the point :

Rearranging gives:

And inserting this into the first equation gives:

The term on the right side is responsible for numerical viscosity, and is a linear function of the resolution .

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