Summary of the Magnetic fields in the Universe III conference (
-what triggers it?
-what determines its rate?
-what's the condition for fast reconnection?
-turbulence? fractal reconnection?, plasmoid-induced reconnection?
-what is its role in: MRI, star formation, dynamo, acceleration of jets?
-may reconnection jets may be observed in the ISM?
-does reconnection jet leads to shocks and possibly triggers SF (Tanuma & hibata 2007, PASJ, 59)?
-turbulent FAST reconnection
Particle acceleration:
-what are the mechanisms?
-what fraction of mag energy goes goes to non-thermal particle acceleration in reconnection?
Star formation (SF) cores: -Partially ionized phase with strong fields?
-b-fields strength and morphology in extended clouds & cores?
-diffusion mechanisms leading to SF cores?
-cloud and star formation schemes with turbulence and b-fields … the path to form clouds may be important
Milky way:
-NGC 6744 is the most similar galaxy to ours
-large scale reversals in the disk
-odd-symmetry halo fields?
-strong vertical fields in the central region
-existing fields models seem insufficient
-pulsar RM data: local fields is clock wise, but the fields in Sagittarius arm is counter-clockwise; one reversal.
-RM from background sources possibly dominated by HI structures
-field models should accept that spiral arms of the Galaxy are not regular
-the regular fields may not be located in the spiral arms
-model should include halo fields
-simple quadrupole models are wrong.
-MRI-driven dynamos. Consistent with obs?, cooling?, ionization fraction?
-there are halo fields (Marita Krause). Indication of galactic winds
-there are inter galactic fields and turbulent fields. Polarized radio intensity is a signature of ISM turbu.
-no dynamo without wind
-Caution: distinguish between anisotropic fields (compression or shear; stronger in density-wave galaxies) from truly regular ones.
-butterfly diagram of fields patterns from MRI models (Mami Machida). Statistics of even/odd-symmetry fields patterns are needed.
More questions:
-the golden age of polarimetry is comming.
-Key observations to be done before MFU4?
-Do we expect answers or more questions from the the SKA and LOFAR?
-ALMA will zoom in to SF cores
-SFRxMF correlation in gals. evidence of turbulent dynamo?
-origin of B in diffuse IGM (TeV - GeV obs. > 10-16G. Seed fields of cosmological origin/phase transition or Biermann battery
-diagnostic with GENUS/TSALLIS statistics in turbulence
-reliable foreground maps based on turbulence to remove from CMB maps - PLANCK
-mean field dynamo models. realistic or not?
-stability of jets at all scales
-combine different obs. in a better way
-what theoretical work is necessary?
-what to "bridge" the gaps between theory, sims and ob?
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