
  • CRL618: We need to met and discuss what Adam and Bruce chatted about last week.
Preliminary look at a 2 clumps, one after the other, run made with periodic BC. The initial dens-contrast was 100 (twice as in the previous models, in order to have sensibly dense 2nd clump). The simulations in which I placed the 2nd clump into the grid, once the 1st one had left, generated cfl and nan errors which led to infinitesimally small dt. A wider grid needed. Yet, the lobe structure generated by the ambient shells-1st clump interaction is erased by the 2nd clump. Also, 2nd clump generated shocks should have quite low temperatures, may be hard or imposible to observe. ? MOVIE http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/crl/2clumps.gif

Now working on the run to produce a cooling map.

  • Magnetic tower paper. Sent though for final revision. Some plots about the flux ratio, which I have not included in the paper:
http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/magTOWER/28febd.png http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/magTOWER/28feba.png http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/magTOWER/28febb.png http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/magTOWER/28febc.png
  • PN paper submitted to MNRAS
  • AGN jet truncation. Managed to make the code cope with real high Mach numbers, order 100, for these runs. These are needed because of the large differences of temperature and velocity between the AGB wind and and the AGN jet. Meeting with Eric this Friday, 2:30pm, to discuss this. Test runs looking good.


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