Work tasks for rest of November

November 17-21:

  • Write a script to automate jobs.
    • Update (11/18): Completed.
  • Run astrobear in post-processing mode on all of the Beta 10 runs (Shear 0, 15, 30, 60), as well as the convergence tests for Beta 10 Shear 15 (levels 2, 4, 6) for the B vs. n plots. Done twice for the mid-way and end of the simulation. Exception: Beta 10, Shear 60, where we have frames out to 328, and the convergence tests which are at frame 50. This yields 12 simulations in total
    • Update (11/18): Finished shear 0, and 30, and 2/3 of Shear 60. Need to get other chombos for Shear 15.
  • Make B vs. n plots for the different runs (convergence tests not necessary), publish on wiki.
  • Make B vs. n figures (for the paper).
  • Run code for beta maps with projected streamlines, 3 times (10.1, 20.1, 27.2 Myr) for each production run, the final frame of Beta 10 Shear 60 (i.e. frame 328), and all of the convergence tests for Shear 15 at frame 15.
    • Update (11/18): Reservation for tomorrow.
    • Update (11/19): Submitted jobs, waiting in queue for noon to roll around.
  • Make plots of the beta maps and the projected streamlines, publish on wiki.
  • Make figures for the beta maps.

Waiting on Erica before doing the following:

  • Run doe for energy spectra on all the production runs.
  • Make plots of spectra, publish on wiki.
  • Make figures for paper out of best spectra.

November 24-28:

  • Run code for density and velocity spectra on the different runs.
  • Make plots of spectra, publish on wiki.
  • Make figures for paper out of best spectra.
  • Run filament analysis on the 3 or 4 best filaments of each of the runs at end time

Fly Through Movies to Make:

  • Movie of camera circling around the collision region for one of the colliding flows cases.
  • Make a movie that travels down the barrel of the flow, reaches collision region and circles around.
  • Make a movie that travels down the barrel of the flow, reaches the collision region, circles around and then zooms into a smaller region of interest to observe its evolution
  • Make a movie that travels down the barrel of the flow, reaches the collision region, circles around, zooms into a smaller region of interest and circles arond to watch its evolution, then pans out to circle around the collision region. Do this for each run.


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