First Post (Update 1): Some Colliding Flows

Hi!~ so here is a link to my page

Previously I had experimented with making visualizations with Erica's CollidingFlows data on Bamboo during the semester. I created some slices with the Shear 15 data for Beta 1, 10 and Hydro. The most notable effect is how the magnetic field confines the fluid the higher its strength. This is expected, but as I post more in the next few days it'll become more clear for these data sets.

Here I will post some density (rho) plots pertaining to the Beta 1, Shear 15 set with a magnetic field in the x-direction. Each of these movies are slices in the yz, yx, and xz plane.

min: 0.65, max: 250





  • Attempted to make a three slice visualization with these slices. Visit started crashing on hay. Need to talk to Rich sometime soon about Visit issues.


  • Visualizations for density (Beta 10, and Hydro).
  • Make some velocity plots for these three data sets (Beta 1, 10 and Hydro).

Attachments (6)


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