New Work

  • Plan for Paper IV
  • Started analysis for Run 183 (AGB)
  • Backing up files on TACC Ranch (about half full)
  • Force postprocessing for Run 183 completed on bluehive


Plan for Paper IV

  • Title: Effects of varying the primary star evolutionary state in 3D global simulations of common envelope evolution
  • Abstract:
    • First AGB CE simulation with high resolution (“present generation” resolution)
    • Result 1: summarize simulation outcome
    • Compare with RGB simulation to assess the differences and similarities
      • Result 2: orbital evolution comparison
      • Result 3: force comparison
      • Result 4: envelope mass unbinding evolution comparison
      • Result 5: potential for constraining alpha
    • Result 6: lessons learnt about the numerics
  • Figures
    1. RGB and AGB initial profiles (density, internal energy, total energy)
    2. Separation vs time curves comparison, with a(t/Porb0)/a0
    3. Density, orbital plane, 4 snapshots
    4. Normalized energy, orbital plane 4 snapshots at same times as for density
    5. Force on particle 2 (in rest frame of particle 1) vs t/Porb0
    6. Unbound mass vs t/Porb0
    7. Percent energy change —convergence study
    8. Unbinding efficiency epsilon as a function of time (or leave for paper on energy formalism?)

Separation vs time

Detail of flow near particles at late times

Density and normalized gas energy

Run 183 Density and Normalized gas energy
Run 183 Normalized gas energy definition comparison (a-b)/max(a,b), as in Paper II, on the left, and (a-b)/(a+b) on the right

Next steps

  • Carry out analysis, one figure at a time
  • Keep adding to draft of paper
  • Prepare Xsede proposal (renewal) for Jan 15
  • Compute mean separation abar(t) from orbit data (non-trivial!)
  • Submit by Apr 1


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