New Work

  • Advanced Run 183
  • Estimated remaining cost of simulation assuming evolve to t=700 days (same as low res run 164) and assuming no changes to refinement (Answer: 30% of the total allocation or about half of the remaining node-hours, and about 40 TB of additional storage in addition to 30 TB currently)
  • Modified slurm script to exit loop if error occurs (to avoid wasting node-hours)


  • Energy gain in 183 is again too fast! Now crossed 5% threshold and energy gain is accelerating.



  • The most likely reason for the energy gain is (again) lack of resolution around the point particles
  • In particular, I suspect that as particle 2 accretes more and more mass, the pressure gradients become too high to resolve
  • Other, less likely (non-mutually exclusive) possibilities are:
    • insufficient resolution around particle 1 (but we know it was adequate at earlier times, so less likely)
    • insufficient resolution in the ambient gas, where Rayleigh Taylor instabilities are occurring (but this material has much lower density, and development of instabilities does not seem to correlate very well with increase in energy, so less likely)


  • I plan to add two AMR levels of resolution around particle 2 and see if this helps.
  • If yes, then I need to perform tests to determine a more optimal refinement strategy.
  • If we find that the refinement needs make the simulation too expensive to perform, then it will be time to write up the results for a paper.

Next steps

  • More analysis to better understand what is causing the energy gain (extend 1D movies of pressure profiles around particles, and make movies to understand better the development of instabilities in the ambient and to what extent this correlates with energy gain)
  • Test with higher resolution around particle 2 (restarting from an earlier time in the simulation)
  • If the test shows improvement, then need to perform additional tests to optimize refinement strategy


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