Useful Papers on Common Envelope Evolution
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Ricker & Taam 2008, ApJ 672:L41, The interaction of stellar objects within a common envelope
Ricker & Taam 2012, ApJ 746:74, An AMR study of the common-envelope phase of binary evolution
De Marco++
Passy et al. 2012, ApJ 744:52, Simulating the common envelope phase of a red giant using smoothed-particle hydrodynamics and uniform-grid codes
Staff et al. 2016a, MNRAS 455, 3511, Hydrodynamic simulations of the interaction between an AGB star and a main-sequence companion in eccentric orbits
Staff et al. 2016b, MNRAS 458, 832, Hydrodynamic simulations of the interaction between giant stars and planets
Kuruwita et al. 2016, MNRAS 461, 486, Considerations on the role of fall-back discs in the final stages of the common envelope binary interaction
Iaconi et al. 2017a, MNRAS 464, 4028, The effect of a wider initial separation on common envelope binary interaction simulations
Galaviz et al. 2017, ApJS 229:36, Common envelope light curves. I. Grid-code module calibration
Iaconi et al. 2017b, arXiv:1706.09786v1, The effect of binding energy and resolution in numerical simulations of the common envelope binary interaction
Ohlmann et al. 2016a, ApJ 816:L9, Hydrodynamic moving-mesh simulations of the common envelope phase in binary stellar systems
Ohlmann et al. 2016b, MNRAS 462:L121, Magnetic field amplification during the common envelope phase
Ohlmann et al. 2017, A&A 599, A5, Constructing stable 3D hydrodynamical models of giant stars
MacLeod & Ramirez-Ruiz 2015a, ApJ 798:L19, On the accretion-fed growth of neutron stars during common envelope
MacLeod & Ramirez-Ruiz 2015b, ApJ 803:41, Asymmetric accretion flows within a common envelope
MacLeod et al. 2017a, ApJ 835:282, Lessons from the Onset of a Common Envelope Episode: the Remarkable M31 2015 Luminous Red Nova Outburst
MacLeod et al. 2017b, ApJ 838:56, Common envelope wind tunnel: coefficients of drag and accretion in a simplified context for studying flows around objects embedded within stellar envelopes
Murguia-Berthier et al. 2017, arXiv:1705:04698v1, Accretion disk assembly during common envelope evolution: implications for feedback and LIGO binary black hole formation
Ivanova et al. 2013a, A&ARv 21, 59 Common envelope evolution: where we stand and how we can move forward
Ivanova et al. 2013b, Science 339, 433 Identification of the long-sought common-envelope events
Nandez et al. 2014, ApJ 786, 39, V1309 Sco—Understanding a merger
Ivanova et al. 2015, MNRAS 447, 2181 On the role of recombination in common envelope ejections
Nandez et al. 2015, MNRAS 450, L39, Recombination energy in double white dwarf formation
Nandez & Ivanova 2016, MNRAS 460, 3992 Common envelope events with low-mass giants: understanding the energy budget
Ivanova & Nandez 2016, MNRAS 462, 362 Common envelope events with low-mass giants: understanding the transition to the slow spiral-in
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