New Work

  1. Referee report
    1. Ready to re-submit?
  2. CEJet module
    1. Reran tests on bluehive with much low ambient and larger initial separation by factor of two.
    2. Jet does not turn on! We don't know why.
    3. Could have something to do with density protections but lowering threshold doesn't solve it.
  3. AGB run
    1. Continuing to run the simulation, now up to 185 days. Material is leaving the box so analysis will have to consider fluxes through the boundary.
    2. See new separation vs time plot below
  4. Forces
    1. Wrote post-processing script, tested it against VisIt results (including a frame with the full-resolution data that I managed to obtain before VisIt crashed)
    2. Now running post-processing script (with reservation on bluehive) on data from fiducial run (143) as well as runs with ½ and ¼ the secondary mass (149 and 151, respectively)
    3. Before writing the script I tried using parallel visit on stampede as Gabe has done, but still there was insufficient memory, so gave up!
  5. Alternative energy formalism
    1. Will write a draft when paper is accepted
  6. Hubble Theory proposal
    1. How could it be relevant to Hubble data?
      1. Explaining post-CE binary separations in single and double degenerate systems?
      2. Explaining transient objects believed to be CE events?
  7. XSEDE allocation
    1. Need a plan for using the roughly 185,000 node-hours that remain!
      1. AGB simulation in a very large box leading to PN initial condition?

AGB run

Next steps

  1. Continue to run AGB CE simulation on stampede (3-4 day queue time) and plot results, including movies.
  2. Analysis of force in runs 143, 149 and 151 using new force data from post-processing.
  3. Continue to test CEJet module and get rid of the bugs! (with Amy).
  4. Do post-processing for energy terms for runs 143, 149 and 151, and also unbound mass
    1. Need to redo fiducial run 143 with new script, which shows slight differences at 1% level to that used in Paper II—this is a small concern, hopefully will help to account for the 5% apparent violation in energy conservation.


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