New Work
- Plotted circles for softening length around particles and new script to get softening length from chombo into VisIt.
- Calculated binding energy and plotted contours.
- Wrote general script that plots any pseudocolor, contours, and vector arrows along with softening circles.
- Polished plots and included the option of plotting in units of solar radii instead of cm.
Run 143:
- Similar to run 132 but with subgrid accretion turned off, twice larger box, resolution and softening length that evolve with time, less aggressive refinement, i.e. larger max refinement zones, and no relaxation (damping) run initially
Relaxation run: no relaxation run
First frame: 0
Last frame: 173
Total simulation time: 40 sim-days
Machine and partition: Stampde 2 normal
Number of nodes: 128 or 64, each with 68 (standard nodes) or 96 (skx nodes) cores
Total wall time: TBD
Hydro BCs: extrapolated
Poisson BCs: multipole expansion
Box size: L=8e13 cm (1150 Rsun)
Max refinement level: 4 (frames 0 to 72), then 5 (frames 72 to 117)
Base resolution: 2.25 Rsun (2563 cells)
Highest resolution: 0.14 Rsun (40963 cells, 4 levels AMR, frames 0 to 72), and 0.07 Rsun (81923 cells, 5 levels AMR, frames 72 to 173)
AMR implementation: set by hand to have max level around RG core (frames 0 to 72) or companion (frames 72 to 173)
Max resolution zone: sphere around RG core, radius 5d12 cm (frames 0 to 46), radius 4d12 cm (frames 46 to 72), radius 3d12 (frames 72 to 103), radius 2.5d12 (frames 103 to 161), radius 1.75d12 (frames 161-173)
Buffer zones: 16 cells
Softening length: 2.4 Rsun (frames 0 to 72), 1.2 Rsun (frames 72 to 173)
Ambient density: 6.7e-9 g/cc
Ambient pressure: 105 dyne/cm2
DefaultAccretionRoutine=0 (no accretion)
New Plots of run 143
- All plots below show a slice through the companion, parallel to the orbital plane, with companion at the center and RG core at the left.
- Each particle is surrounded by a green circle with radius equal to the instantaneous softening length.
- Pseudocolor represents where both numerator and denominator are in the frame of the companion (first plot), or ,
in the frame of the companion (second plot).- Velocity vectors shown in the frame of the companion, with length scaled to vector magnitude.
- Contours show the values -0.5 (dark grey) and -0.25 (light grey) of the quantity
is the potential energy density, including self-gravity of the gas (which comes with a factor of ½ multiplying the gas potential to avoid double-counting), potential energy of gas-RG core system, potential energy of gas-companion system, but NOT potential energy of RG core-companion system. In other words, includes all potential energy EXCEPT for particle-particle term. Note that the potential being used for the particles is the actual spline potential, which had to be entered by hand. Also is the bulk kinetic energy density in the lab frame, while is the internal energy density in the lab frame. Note that the script also plots the contours -0.75, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, but they do not appear on the graph so the smallest value is >-0.75 while the largest is <0 for this part of the simulation box.
- Below is a similar plot to the first plot, showing , now zoomed out (with vectors and colors scaled differently).
- The contours for binding energy are -0.75 (dark grey), -0.5 (grey), -0.25 (light grey), 0 (white), 0.25 (dashed light grey).
- Below are color plots of the binding energy, since color is easier to understand than contours.
- Below is a zoomed out version.
- Below is a more zoomed out version, different color scheme.
- Below is a very zoomed out version, with two plots showing two different color schemes. Note that box was rotated so that the RG core was situated to the left of center.
Next steps
- Further polish the above plots (more contour levels? improve resolution of vector arrows?).
- Same plots for run 132 which had Krumholz accretion submodel.
- Separation vs time plot for both runs on the same graph.
- Plot(s?) showing orbits of both runs (possibly as inset on separation vs time graph)
- Plots showing face-on slice and edge-on (slice/projection?) of snapshots of density at various times.
- Polish accretion rate plots for both runs and redo plot for run 132 with higher time resolution.
- Line Integral Convolution using Jonathan's MatLab code.
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