New Work
- We solved the problem of mixing variables from different meshes (fluid and particle), which enables plotting e.g. fluid velocities relative to the companion.
- Extended simulation 143 to 40 days.
- Figured out how to make face-on movies in rotating frame (e.g. rotating along with orbit), and made movie of density.
- Made movie of density in frame of orbit with velocity vectors relative to the companion.
- Plotted circular velocity around the companion, as well as its ratios with the Keplerian circular velocity and with the sound speed.
Results (of new work, point by point from above)
- Apparently there exists a more robust way to do this involving Cross Mesh Field Evaluation or CMFE functions, but Baowei's "quick fix" works!
- Will not go beyond 40 days for now as it is a bit too expensive. Plan is to try to get away with less refinement in ambient region, and also to make central refinement zone smaller in volume. If results are the same, can then get away with this to do more runs.
- This allows us to avoid getting quite as dizzy when looking at the movies!
- We can now see the velocity field in the frame of the companion, rather than just in the lab frame.
- These are key quantities that we are trying to investigate. The ratios are less than unity near the companion but as high as ~0.5.
Run 143:
- Similar to run 132 but with subgrid accretion turned off, twice larger box, resolution and softening length that evolve with time, less aggressive refinement, i.e. larger max refinement zones, and no relaxation (damping) run initially
Relaxation run: no relaxation run
First frame: 0
Last frame: 173
Total simulation time: 40 sim-days
Machine and partition: Stampde 2 normal
Number of nodes: 128 or 64, each with 68 (standard nodes) or 96 (skx nodes) cores
Total wall time: TBD
Hydro BCs: extrapolated
Poisson BCs: multipole expansion
Box size: L=8e13 cm (1150 Rsun)
Max refinement level: 4 (frames 0 to 72), then 5 (frames 72 to 117)
Base resolution: 2.25 Rsun (2563 cells)
Highest resolution: 0.14 Rsun (40963 cells, 4 levels AMR, frames 0 to 72), and 0.07 Rsun (81923 cells, 5 levels AMR, frames 72 to 173)
AMR implementation: set by hand to have max level around RG core (frames 0 to 72) or companion (frames 72 to 173)
Max resolution zone: sphere around RG core, radius 5d12 cm (frames 0 to 46), radius 4d12 cm (frames 46 to 72), radius 3d12 (frames 72 to 103), radius 2.5d12 (frames 103 to 161), radius 1.75d12 (frames 161-173)
Buffer zones: 16 cells
Softening length: 2.4 Rsun (frames 0 to 72), 1.2 Rsun (frames 72 to 173)
Ambient density: 6.7e-9 g/cc
Ambient pressure: 105 dyne/cm2
DefaultAccretionRoutine=0 (no accretion)
New Movies of run 143
- High zoom-in face-on slice, centered on companion, in reference frame of companion that is corotating with the instantaneous orbital angular velocity, with RG core always on the left.
face-on slice, movie rotating with orbit
- As above, density in the frame rotating with orbit, but now including velocity vectors drawn in the reference frame of the companion, but in the non-rotating frame:
New Snapshots of run 143
Left: v_phi relative to the companion. Face-on, slice through companion, view centered on companion with side of 4e12 cm. RG core is visible at the left. Right: same but zoomed out by factor of 4.
As above but now the ratio of v_phi to the Keplerian circular velocity.
Same as the zoomed-in plot above but different color scheme and range.
As above but now the ratio of v_phi to the local sound speed.
Inter-particle separation (up to 40 days)
Red horizontal lines show radius of maxLevel refinement region. Green horizontal line shows softening length (solid) or five times softening length (dashed) for each particle. Finest resolution is proportional to softening length, i.e. resolution improves by factor of 2 when softening length is reduced by factor of 2. Vertical lines show transition from one refinement radius to the next (dotted red, 5e12 to 4e12 to 3e12 to 2.5e12 cm), and transition from one softening radius to the next (green dashed, ~2.4 Rsun to ~1.2 Rsun)
Examples of streamline (left) and integral curve (right) plots for smaller run 125
Next steps
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