Web-monitoring of simulations

I found a very easy way to generate jpeg images of various processing objects (ie projections of column density) at runtime (or post processing). There is an image format called ppm that is essentially ascii text that can be converted to a jpeg using system calls. Also added code that checks for a postprocess script in the run directory and if present executes it passing in the frame number as a 5 character string. This can be useful for scping chombo files to a longer term storage, or sending jpeg files to a web-accessible folder for monitoring simulations in realtime


mv out/Mass_along_3_$1.jpeg /home/johannjc/public_html/CollidingFlow.jpeg

Also created cron jobs to back up the wiki daily, weekly, and monthly. In the process discovered that the raid_array scripts that e-mailed folks if the arrays were in trouble was lost in the reconfiguring of grass and clover. (And alfalfa is in need of one). Currently working with Dave to get these back up.


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