Testing projections

Fixed grid planet simulation also experienced explosions. Was going to do FFT self-gravity, but that is not fully implemented.

And MATLAB is taking 24 hours to generate new hydrostatic profiles for some unknown reason. Need to reboot my system.

Also, in order to verify the projection routines were working - I made a movie of a simulation of a wire box. Click the image to see a movie.

Here is my Grid Initialization routine…

  SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit(Info)
    TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
    INTEGER :: i, j, k, l, mb(3,2)
    DO i=1,3
       DO j=1,3
          IF (i == j) CYCLE
          DO k=1,2
             DO l=1,2
                IF ((Info%mGlobal(i,k) == GmGlobal(i,k)) .AND. Info%mGlobal(j,l)==GmGlob\
al(j,l)) THEN
                   Info%q(mb(1,1):mb(1,2), mb(2,1):mb(2,2), mb(3,1):mb(3,2),1)=100d0
                END IF
             END DO
          END DO
       END DO
    END DO

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