Played around with blog plugin

So this new blog plugin is pretty fun… I don't like that one has to create a blog shortname for each entry but I suggest that we all use our login name followed by the date in mmddyy format and then attach letters b, c, d if we make more than one post per day it should (for example this post is johannjc053111b since I made an entry earlier today. We could use more descriptive names, but since these are all in the same blog folder and since we will probably each make several entries each week - it is probably better to use the title to describe what the blog is about and keep the shortnames (URLs) simple. I don't like that we can't currently attach files to the blogs… But if we are working on a ticket, project page, or general documentation we can attach the images there and then link to them from the blog like so….

Discussion attachments

[attachment:AdvanceTimes_1.jpg:discussion:topic/23 SampleImage]


Or within the Image macro as so:

[[Image(discussion:topic/23:AdvanceTimes_1.jpg, 50%)]]

Wiki page attachments

[attachment:StrongScalingEfficiencies.png:wiki:OptimizingScrambler SampleImage]


Or within the Image macro as so:

[[Image(wiki:OptimizingScrambler:StrongScalingEfficiencies.png, 50%)]]

Results of strong scaling test on bluehive showing efficiencies

Ticket Attachments

[attachment:bug.png:ticket:126 TicketAttachment]


Or within the image macro as

[[Image(ticket:126:bug.png, width=50%)]]

field amr


1. Jonathan -- 14 years ago

So it looks like you can attach files to a blog after you've created it - but it would be better (if appropriate) to attach files to project pages or tickets or general documentation and then link to them from the blog…