Meeting Summary

Spent most of the past week sorting out sources of asymmetry in the code…

The sources of asymmetry could be broken down into 4 categories…

  • Non-symmetric addition [ a+b-c-d /= (a-c)+(b-d) ]
    • Diffusion algorithm's calculation of the divergence
    • Characteristic limiters that do matrix multiplication from slowest to fastest wave speed
    • Calculation of back forces on particles
  • Upwind type calculations that expect quantities to be < or > 0…
    • Riemann fans that have an even number of states (odd number of waves) such as HLLC, HLLD, ExactRS
    • MHD eigenvectors which depend on the sign of Bx or the 'polarization angle' [atan(Bz/By)] which break down when Bx = 0 or By=Bz=0
  • Bugs in the code
    • Extrapolated MHD physical boundaries not updating cell centered b fields using aux
    • Clump object's default behavior to persist in boundaries
    • Wind object's failure to zero out other fields - miscellaneous tracers etc…
  • Machine optimization
    • Apparently optimization can lead to a breakdown in accuracy (perhaps because it reorders additions/subtractions to be faster?). Fortunately this behavior can be corrected by the addition of -fp-model precise to the compiler options.

Developed co-rotating reference frame source terms

or if we assume that then we have




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