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Arbitrary EOS update
I have successfully moved nearly all references to gamma to the EOS module - and all uses of pressure get the pressure from the press functions which can be modified to handle arbitrary EOS.
Now I just need to modify the Riemann solvers to handle an arbitrary EOS - or build a new one.
- For hydrodynamics, the riemann problem has three waves
- left shock/rarefaction
- entropy/contact
- right shock/rarefaction
- Neither the pressure nor velocity changes across the entropy/contact wave, so we can define a p* and u* that connects to the left state across a shock/rarefaction and to the right state across a shock/rarefaction. We can calculate dP*/du* so that newton rhapson iteration can be used.
For arbitrary EOS, there are now two difficulties.
- First, since the density can change across the contact, we know have two more unknowns gamma*L and gamma*R and two more equations which must go into the solution.
- And we no longer can easily calculate dP*/du* so we must resort to the secant method.
The two new equations are
\gamma*_s=\gamma_s + 2 \left( 1 - \frac{\hat{\gamma}}{\hat{\Gamma}} \right ) \left ( \hat{\gamma} - 1 \right ) \frac{P* - P_s}{P*+P_s}
\hat{\gamma}=\frac{1}{2} \left ( \gamma_L + \gamma_R \right ) \hat{\Gamma}=\frac{1}{2} \left ( \Gamma_L + \Gamma_R \right )
Unfortunately the above solution is designed around the exact Riemann solver - which does not work with MHD. What about approximate Riemann solvers like the HLL?
The HLL method does not require the solution for the pressure in the star region - but just uses the conservation law and the assumption of a constant uniform state between the left and right waves.
Then integrating around the entire volume we have
(S_R-S_L)U^* - (S_R U_R - S_L U_L) + (F_R - F_L) = 0
And then integrating around the right half we have
S_R U^* - (S_R U_R) + (F_R - F^*) = 0
Or the left half
-S_L U^* - (-S_L U_L) + (F^* - F_L) = 0
which we can solve F*
F^* = \frac{S_R F_L - S_L F_R + S_RS_L(U_R-U_L)}{S_R-S_L}
so the only modification would be in estimating the wave speeds - but this can be done using the sound speed (or fast speed) in the left and right states - so only modification would be to calculation of sound speed. Seems very straight forward.
What about the HLLC? Once we have U* from the HLL we can estimate the speed of the contact
S_M=\frac{\left(\rho u\right)*}{\rho*}
and then the jump conditions can be solved for p* from either the right or left as:
p^*=p_L+\rho_L(S_L-u_L)(S_M-u_L) p^*=p_R+\rho_R(S_R-u_R)(S_M-u_R)
which then give everything else - from jump conditions. No EOS assumed
What about HLLD? Same basic principle - everything derives from jump conditions… Should be trivial to modify all of these HLL type solvers to work with arbitrary EOS.
- Posted: 12 years ago (Updated: 12 years ago)
- Author: Jonathan
- Categories: (none)
Attachments (3)
- ColellaGlaz1985.png (47.2 KB) - added by Jonathan 12 years ago.
- MiyoshiKusano2005.png (18.6 KB) - added by Jonathan 12 years ago.
- MiyoshiKusano2005b.png (13.4 KB) - added by Jonathan 12 years ago.
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