Dust in AstroBEAR - Update 2019/11/25


  • Fix advection routines
  • Test drag & sputtering routines
  • Implement grain-grain collisions
  • Set up new problem


  • Drag Source routines finished: Dust is now advected using collisional drag (energy transfer when gas atoms collide with dust grains) and plasma drag (Coulomb force interactions between charged gas atoms and dust grains)
  • Dust Sputtering routines finished: Dust sputtering routine is done and includes dust destruction due to collisions between grains and gas atoms (either due to relative motion between gas and dust or Brownian motion if both gas and dust are at rest) and dust growth if the collisional energy is below a certain threshold. Two additional feature still need checking but are basically finished as well: Trapping of ions inside the grain (if collisional energy is high enough so that the gas atom penetrates a certain number of atomic layers in the dust grain) and gas feedback (if gas is accreted or if the dust is destroyed material should be either removed or added from the gas density field).
  • Started work on grain-grain Collisions but that will take a lot more work and I'd like to prioritize advection again
  • Currently setting up a new problem to replicate simulations from a recent publication


  • Not really an issue but drag and sputtering routines need excessive testing now
  • Advection: Didn't do much work on this as I was focusing on sputtering but I think I've now tracked it down to an issue with wrongly implemented dust velocities which then result in enormous wl and wr values.


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