Dust in AstroBEAR - Update 2020/10/12


  • Debugging


I'm gonna try and do one dust physics process per week now so I'll be done by the end of October, this week it's the gas drag routine.

Gas Drag: I have found the following issues so far and am currently working to fix them:

  • My grain charge is (as expected) wrong by quite a substantial amount. As grain charge affects all dust processes except collisional drag, this is a major bug that probably messes up a lot.
  • One bin is a bit strange with a lot of dust seemingly unaffected by the drag until much later in the simulation. Not sure if this is a bug or not… need to check if this behaviour continues once the grain charge is fixed/when I change the distribution.

Sputtering: Some corrections/updates regarding my last blog post:

  • It looks like the destruction rate, in general, is somewhat ok contradicting what I said last time. With my current initial grain size distribution, no dust is expected to survive beyond 20 years. Here are the updated plots with a new x axis: Total mass over time m(t) and change in mass over time dm/dt (note: the y-axis is in code units which doesn't fit the x-axis. Will fix this soon but for now you can clearly see different dust-gas interaction phases which are not easy to identify in the other plot).
  • However, I have found that I am leaking dust mass somewhere so that might be an issue with my grain sorting routine.

Next steps:

  • Gas Drag this week, then sputtering, etc.


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