Dust in AstroBEAR - Update 2020/07/06

(I'm on leave next week so I won't be at this meeting!)


  • Debugging (now moved on to sputtering as well)
  • Refine dust routines


  • HPC Proposal: I need to write one this month so progress on other topics might be slow towards the end of the month.
  • MHD Clouds Crushing Simulations: Did a ton of simulation for our next paper to show the effect of different magnet field orientations on the Cloud Crushing Setup. I will make another blog post with plots and videos at some point but my computer decided to transition to laptop heaven and while I'm waiting on a new one I can't properly use visit.
  • Debugging: Made progress here and have also started looking at the sputtering but I don't trust it yet and want to invest more time comparing my results with the dust post-processing results. Currently, simulations look a bit "grainy" which seems off considering that the gas looks smooth.

Up Next:

  • Haven't forgotten about the equations for the dust grain size distributions! I will add them once I've checked something and made sure I'm actually implementing what I want. Looks a bit strange at the moment.
  • Continue debugging of sputtering + check ion trapping & gas feedback is implemented correctly.
  • Setting up Sputtering comparison with the dust post-processing code.
  • I'm aiming to do production runs for drag and sputtering in August and while that's going on I'll add the rest of the grain-grain collisions code.


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