Dust in AstroBEAR - Update 2020/06/01 & 2020/06/08


  • Debugging
  • Refine dust routines


(A lot of research clusters in the UK have been down for almost three weeks now due to some security issue. I've moved my stuff to a working cluster but queue times have been long so progress has been slow.)

Dust Drag Progress & Issues

  • Comparison with Dust Post-Processing: I've got the necessary simulations to compare my routines with the results from the post-processing
  • Debugging: I fixed some stuff this morning but it must have broken something because suddenly I'm somehow getting an inflow from the lower x boundary about halfway through the simulation with passive advection: Start of SimulationMiddle of Simulation. For active advection, the velocity is suddenly completely gone Gas and Dust Momentum (FIXED! Forgot to remove some debugging stuff from last week and that messed stuff up there)


  • Debugging: The inflow was a bug in the dust wind initialisation. Some time ago I modified the wind so that the shock could come with or without dust. Turns out that causes an issue if the conditions inside the domain allow the bow shock to hit the lower boundary. I went back and changed that case to allow dust inflow and I found that for dust density 1e-16 the dust in the wind has no noticeable effect on the dust in the domain so effectively that makes the wind dustfree. Dust Clump evolution with negligible dust in the wind and passive advection
  • In other news: My velocity values are now only 1e4 off down from 1e8… getting there

Up Next:

  • More debugging


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