Coupled EBM Project Update 7/22
The above graph details what range of temperatures an unprotected human can survive in…

  • Minimum Temperature:
  • Maximum Temperature:

Coupling Population Growth Equation to EBM

Goal: Couple the logistic growth equation to the energy balence model (EBM) by putting a temperature dependence on the relative growth rate

  • = current population
  • = maximum population
  • = relative growth rate
    • T = temperature
    • E = technological efficiency (ie: measurement of how much technology a civilization has)

Method: the behavior we desire can be modelled by the difference of two gaussian functions, corresponding to the average birth rate and death rate of a civilization:

  • = global temperature resulting in maximum growth rates
  • = initial growth rate
  • = initial death rate
    • assuming a 70 year avg lifespan
  • = width of gaussian (or exponential ramping distance)


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