Update 07/16

Fermi Project

Goal: Figure out how to make the probe velocity and range normally distributed within our FORTRAN model.
Click here to see the PDF which summarizes my progress so far and my next steps.

Current Model Output (Colored by Technology, Pink=Unsettled)

v00.0001c=30 km/sInitial Probe Velocity
r010 lyrInitial Probe Range
t0=r0/v0100,000 yearsInitial Probe Lifetime

Coupled EBM

Comparing Experiments

dPdT: Amount of pCO2 that must be added to the atmosphere in order to change the climate by 1 degree Kelvin.

Experiment #1: Constant Composition (P0=284 ppm)

Experiment #2: Constant Temperature (T0=287.09 K)

Earth-Like Inputs

  • t0=1820
    • We choose this because our data starts here.
  • P0=284 ppm
    • This was the global CO2 concentrations during 1820.
  • N0=1.129 billion people
    • This was the global population during 1820.
  • Nmax=10 Billion people
  • dT=5K=Temperature Sensitivity
    • We chose this because it seemed reasonable in regards to what kind of temperature range humans can survive in.
  • dP=200 ppm=Carbon Dioxide Sensitivity
    • Similar to dT, we choose this because it seemed reasonable
  • A0=0.04 1/yr=Initial Per-Capita Birth Rate
    • We chose this based on the assumption that the average time for a generation is 25 years, so that A0=1/25=0.04 1/yr
  • B0=0.036 1/yr=Initial Per-Capita Death Rate
    • We chose this value in order to tune our model to the data.
  • C=0.000275 ppm/(106ppl*yr)=Per-Capita Carbon Footprint
    • We chose this based on present-day values

Are these numbers reasonable?

The relevant quantity for how population grows is the difference between A0 and B0, this quantity is called the per-capita (net) growth rate. The relevant quantity for how CO2 concentrations change as a function of population growth is C, the per-capita carbon footprint. We can compare our models values against global values to determine how accurate our model is.

Attachments (10)


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