Fermi Project Update 02/18/21

Goal: Figure out how to make the probe velocity and range normally distributed within our FORTRAN model.
Method: First added a local variable called 'technology' to the program. Then used random walks to have it be normally distributed around the technological capabilities of the abiogenesis seed (first habited system). Finally, I made the probe range and velocity relativistic functions of this new technology variable. The table below shows the initial values inputted into the model.

v00.0001c=30 km/sInitial Probe Velocity
r010 lyrInitial Probe Range
t0=r0/v0100,000 yearsInitial Probe Lifetime

Click here to see the PDF which summarizes calculation/implementation of the normally distributed probe ranges/distances
Click here for more information about the input variables for the models shown below.


  • The pink boxes surround systems that are uninhabited.
  • All simulations begin with 10 systems originally habited.
  • Galaxy Model shows time with unit Myr. Total runtime being 1000 Myr.
  • In contrast, the periodic box model has a total runtime of 1 Myr. Thus I show frames instead of time, where each frame is approximately 1/1000 Myr.
  • x=(number of habited systems)/(total number of systems)

Galaxy Model

Periodic Box Model

Analytic Model

Attachments (15)


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