Fermi Project Update (02/13/2021)

Goal: Figure out how to make the probe velocity and range normally distributed within our FORTRAN model.
Method: First added a local variable called 'technology' to the program. Then used random walks to have it be normally distributed around the technological capabilities of the abiogenesis seed (first habited system). Finally, I made the probe range and velocity relativistic functions of this new technology variable. See the pdf below for more details about calculation/implementation.
Click here to see the PDF which summarizes my progress so far and potential steps.

Current Model Output (Colored by Technology, Pink=Unsettled)

v00.0001c=30 km/sInitial Probe Velocity
r010 lyrInitial Probe Range
t0=r0/v0100,000 yearsInitial Probe Lifetime

Figure: The above gif shows the temporal evolution of a model galaxy. Beginning with 10 habited solar systems (ie: abiogensis seeds), these systems send probes out to nearby systems, thus making those systems inhabited and repeating the process until the entire galaxy is filled with life. The uninhabited systems are shown as the pink boxes. Note that a selection effect results in the systems on the outer edge of the galaxy gaining high technological abilities before systems near the center.

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