Figures for Christina's Runs


Plot Christina Erica
Total "Cloud" Mass (cloud = > 100 cm 3) over time X
Total sink mass/(cloud mass + sink mass) over time Will work on
Mass in cold gas (T < 300 K) X
Density weighted histogram of ratio L-R X
Histogram of (L-R)/(L+R) in cloud over time (color plot) I'll work on
Histogram of (L-R)/(L+R) in sinks over time (scatter plot with color on top) Work on
Standard deviation of histogram at end time, spread across shear
% prograde vs retrograde sink particles X
or % mass in sinks that is prograde vs retrograde X
specific angular momentum density (scatter plot histogram to show spread X
histogram of specific angular momentum density for whole cloud - does it correlate with shear? X
Bulk magnetic, gravitational, thermal, kinetic over time (in box or clouds?) X
Energy spectra I'll work on
Energy in sinks over time I'll work on
n-T histograms at final time X
velocity dispersion I can work on
column density maps at times when gas > 1021, 1022, 1023 X


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